Bitcoin: Fourth "halving" event [DONE]

The Bitcoin network recently underwent its fourth "halving" event, where the rewards for miners were reduced from 6.25 to 3.125 bitcoins. This reduction in rewards came alongside a nearly 4% decline in bitcoin's price, which stood at approximately $64,100 as per Coin Metrics.[1]

Historically, the price of bitcoin has surged significantly following previous halvings, with increases of around 93x, 30x, and 8x after the 2012, 2016, and 2020 halvings, respectively, from the halving day price to the cycle top.[1] However, many analysts are anticipating a near-term price decline due to overbought conditions and prices still above bitcoin's comparison to gold when adjusted for volatility.[1]

The halving poses a significant challenge for mining companies, as it will cut industry revenues in half, leading to consolidation and business closures. Larger miners are expected to have a greater revenue opportunity, as hash rates, which measure the computational power used to process transactions on the bitcoin network, will be affected.[1]

Mining stocks have experienced volatility in the days preceding the halving, with Riot Platforms, for example, seeing a surge of 356% in 2023 but a decline of 41% in 2024 through Friday's close.[1] Analysts explain that the market has viewed bitcoin mining stocks as mere proxies for bitcoin, but the halving would differentiate the low-cost, high-scale consolidating winners from smaller miners that may struggle post-halving.[1]

Despite the current price drop, analysts remain optimistic about future price movements, citing expectations of future spot Ethereum ETF approvals, future central bank rate cuts, and regulatory developments as potential drivers for continued high prices.[1]


[1] source: CNBC

What is Bitcoin halving?

Bitcoin halving is an event that occurs approximately every four years, reducing the reward that miners receive for validating transactions on the Bitcoin network by half. This process is coded into Bitcoin's protocol to control its supply and maintain scarcity.

When is the next Bitcoin halving?

The most recent Bitcoin halving occurred on April 19, 2024. Bitcoin halving events are designed to occur approximately every four years, reducing the reward that miners receive for validating transactions on the Bitcoin network by half. As such, the next halving event is now expected to occur around 2028.

How does Bitcoin halving affect the price?

Bitcoin halving is often associated with an increase in the price of Bitcoin. This is because the reduced supply of new Bitcoins entering the market can create a supply shock, leading to a potential increase in demand and price.

What are the implications of Bitcoin halving on miners?

Bitcoin halving reduces the rewards that miners receive for mining new blocks. This can impact miners' profitability, especially if they are operating with high electricity costs or less efficient mining equipment. However, some miners may continue to operate profitably by optimizing their operations or focusing on other cryptocurrencies.

So what happens now that halving is done?

Bitcoin halving is a significant event in the cryptocurrency world, primarily affecting the supply of new bitcoins entering the market. As the halving reduces the reward for mining new blocks by half, it directly impacts miners' profitability and the overall supply dynamics of Bitcoin. Here's what typically happens following a halving and what might be expected moving forward:

Immediate Impact on Miners

The immediate effect of a halving is felt by Bitcoin miners. The reward for mining a new block is halved, which can significantly impact their profitability, especially for those with higher operational costs. This can lead to a consolidation in the mining industry, where only the most efficient operations survive[1][7][8][10][11][17].

Influence on Bitcoin's Price

Historically, halvings have been associated with bullish price movements in Bitcoin. The reduction in new supply, if demand remains constant or increases, can lead to a price increase. However, the extent and timing of this price change can vary. For instance, while some analysts predict significant price increases following the 2024 halving, others caution that the impact may not be as strong as in previous cycles due to the maturing market[1][2][3][4][5][6][12][13][14][15][16][18][19][20].

Long-Term Supply and Demand Dynamics

The halving events are designed to gradually decrease the rate at which new bitcoins are created, thus ensuring that the total supply caps at 21 million. This built-in scarcity is similar to precious metals like gold and is a fundamental aspect that can enhance Bitcoin's appeal as a store of value over the long term[1][9][13].

Market Sentiment and Institutional Interest

Post-halving periods often see heightened market interest and media coverage, which can attract new investors. The growing trend of institutional investment in Bitcoin could further bolster its price as these large players bring substantial capital inflows into the market[4][12][16][20].

Regulatory and Macro-Economic Factors

The broader economic environment and regulatory landscape will continue to play crucial roles in Bitcoin's price dynamics post-halving. Factors such as global economic conditions, monetary policies, and regulatory changes in major economies can significantly influence investor sentiment and market stability[16][19][20].

Technological and Operational Adjustments

Miners and other stakeholders in the Bitcoin ecosystem may need to adjust their strategies and operations in response to the new reward structure. Innovations in mining technology, energy efficiency, and blockchain functionality could help offset the reduction in block rewards[11][17].

Future Halvings and the End of Mining Rewards

Looking ahead, Bitcoin will undergo several more halving events until around 2140, when the last Bitcoin is expected to be mined. After this point, miners will be compensated solely through transaction fees, which could change the security and operational dynamics of the Bitcoin network[1][9][13].

In summary, while the immediate effects of a Bitcoin halving can be challenging for miners, the event is generally seen as positive for the Bitcoin price and its long-term value proposition. However, as with all investments, potential risks and uncertainties should be carefully considered, especially given the volatile nature of cryptocurrency markets.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]