Official Blog
Law Firm Marketing Is Nothing Without Texting – Here’s How to Do It...
If there is any doubt on the importance of texting in today’s law firm marketing, let the numbers speak for themselves right now, loud and clear. Research shows that SMS (short message service) texts have an almost perfect open rate of 98% [
SMS Marketing for Restaurants: Get Your Clientele In...
Where did the time go? Over two decades, the number of mobile users has grown to nearly 260 billion in the U.S. alone []. As expected, smartphone ownership has also skyrocketed in the last five years, growing from 35%...
Healthcare Marketing: Why You Need to be Texting...
Why isn’t texting a huge phenomenon in healthcare marketing? Wouldn’t it be beneficial for patients to be able to connect to their doctors as quickly as they do a friend? The majority of physicians still do not correspond with their patients [
SMS API: What it Is, and How to Choose One...
You want to boost your company’s visibility. You want to engage with your customers more. You’re looking for ways to cut waste and get right to the point with your clients. Maybe you’ve heard the term “SMS API” being tossed around. It’s growing in popularity [
How to convert a string with hyphens to PascalCase...
Often time you’d encounter a case where you have to convert a string like account-controller to to AccountController. The following subroutine should work for you function PascalCase(string) { var str = string.replace(/-([a-z])/ig, function(all, letter) { return letter.toUpperCase(); }); ...
How to convert a string with hyphens to camelCase...
Introduction When you need to convert a string with hyphens to camelCase, it can seem daunting. In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how to create a simple utility function that converts strings with hyphens to camelCase using JavaScript. function camelCase(str) { return str.replace(/-([a-...
Query mongo for records older/newer than last N days...
Let’s assume you are querying a collection named ‘users’ and you want to see users created before of after the last ’n’ days, it can seem tricky, but it doesn’t have to be. A simple query can solve your problem For users created before ’n’ days: db.users.find({"dateInserted":{$lt:new Date(
angular directive stripe form checkout...
Angular JS experts show how to integrate stripe with angular app.directive('stripeform', function() { return { scope: { amount: '@', key: '@', label: '@', panelLabel: '@', itemName: '@', itemDescription: '@' }, restrict: 'AE', transclude: tru...
Start node.js as a process on windows server launch/reboot...
For some reason if you are deploying your Node.js App on a windows server. you might need something that starts Node when your server restarts for unexpected reasons. This package helps you start Node as a progress on windows machine. npm install -g qckwinsvc After it install then in cmd/termina...
Node.js Force SSL in production...
Have you tried enforcing https for your app in Node? Having researched(googled) innumerable solutions what failed for us initially were the checks for * * req.protocol * req.connection.encrypted None of those were reliable. However the check for header value x-forwarded-proto was ...